July 28, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after Senate Democrats, led by Senators Chuck Schumer and Joe Manchin, announced a deal on a new, partisan reckless tax-and-spending spree that raises taxes by nearly $740 BILLION and contains more than $430 BILLION in new spending. This announcement came less than a day before new GDP reports showed the U.S. entering a recession and almost immediately after all Democrats, and some Republicans, handed President Biden a $280 BILLION blank check by passing the reckless, pro-China CHIPS and Science Act. Read more in Fox News HERE.


Last night, Senator Scott sent an open letter to members of the U.S. House of Representatives urging them to reject the massive, pro-China package.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Joe Biden has officially plunged America into a recession, and how do Democrats in Congress respond? With MASSIVE SPENDING and even more RECKLESS SPENDING. It’s insane and what’s worse is that we got to this point with bipartisan bad decisions. Yesterday’s announcement by Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer showed again that too many Senate Republicans unfortunately trusted Democrats and got duped. Some are pretending to be shocked. It’s not shocking at all. Democrats have never met a tax increase they didn’t like and Joe Manchin is a Democrat. Of course Manchin is going along with Schumer, Biden and Pelosi to push MASSIVE tax increases on Americans as we face 9.1% inflation, debt over $30 TRILLION and enter a RECESSION. This is yet another failure by too many politicians in Washington to stand up against reckless spending and fight for real accountability for American families. Democrats are destroying this country, and Republicans CANNOT continue to endorse their reckless, inflation-fueling spending.


“Now, Democrats will do two things: they’ll say that the U.S. isn’t in a recession and that their new, partisan tax-and-spending spree will reduce inflation. IT’S ALL LIES. Joe Biden’s Recession has begun and more spending will NEVER equal less inflation. It’s time for Republicans and Democrats in Washington to wake up and stop endorsing reckless, inflation-fueling spending that is crushing American families.”

