IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… CBS 12: Florida Sen. Rick Scott introduces Border Crisis Bill to address influx of Fentanyl

January 9, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, last week, Senator Rick Scott continued his ‘Make Washington Work’ statewide tour by hosting a roundtable at the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office with law enforcement and substance abuse recovery experts to discuss his fight to secure the southern border and end the deadly fentanyl crisis. Under President Biden’s failed agenda of amnesty and open borders, more than 5 million known migrants have illegally crossed the southern border and tons of deadly drugs, like fentanyl, have flooded into U.S. communities and taken more than 100,000 American lives in the last year alone.


Read more about Senator Scott’s fight against this crisis in the CBS 12 article, Florida Sen. Rick Scott introduces Border Crisis Bill to address influx of Fentanyl, below:


“More than 6,000 people died from Fentanyl overdoses in Florida in 2020...



29 year old Jenny Esposito of Lake Worth was one of them.


‘Jenny had a really bad weekend, and I think she needed something to take the edge off,’ Jenny's mother, Karen, told CBS 12 News. ‘She went upstairs at my house and took something that she didn’t realize was 100 % Fentanyl. I went upstairs to get her because we were going shopping and she was just laying there like an angel.’




In 2021, ten thousand pounds of fentanyl were seized at the southern border.




Florida Senator Rick Scott is doing something, recently introducing the ‘End Fentanyl Act.’


The centerpiece of the legislation deals with making sure all border agents are conducting the same rigorous inspections at our border crossings.


‘The Secretary of Homeland Security and Joe Biden have decided to have a completely open border, so it makes every city a border city,’ Sen. Scott said.




Earlier this week, Scott was meeting with sheriffs from around the state, and the group discussed the urgent need for more man-power and tougher policy.


‘Ultimately, we have to secure the border, it’s just a simple as that. The Biden Administration, at some point, I hope people demand that their federal government does what it’s supposed to do, have a secure border,’ Sen. Scott told CBS 12 News.




In Florida, drug dealers can be charged with first degree murder if they sell to a person who then dies of an overdose. That’s a mandatory life sentence.


Senator Scott and Senator Rubio are now pushing another bill that would expand that policy nationwide.



Read the full article from CBS 12 HERE.

