Sen. Rick Scott and Colleagues Reintroduce Bill to End Automatic Raises for Members of Congress
January 24, 2023
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senators Rick Scott, Mike Braun and Josh Hawley introduced their bill to repeal automatic annual pay raises for members of Congress.
Senator Rick Scott said, “Our country is facing a serious debt crisis that must be addressed—we have hit our limit. America’s credit card is maxed out with $31 trillion worth of debt thanks to Washington’s obsession with spending. Each day that Congress fails to do its basic duties, like pass a budget, or allow the border crisis to go unchecked, Congress has FAILED the American people. In the real world, if you don’t do your job, you don’t get paid and you definitely don’t get a raise. Congress should be no different, and I urge my colleagues to support this commonsense bill.”
Senator Mike Braun said, “Every American got a pay cut last year from record high inflation, grocery, and gas prices under President Biden and Congress’s reckless spending spree. The last thing Congress should be getting is a pay raise.”
Senator Josh Hawley said, “Pay raises are not something elected officials are simply entitled to receive. This legislation removes unnecessary, automatic pay raises for members of Congress and serves as an important reminder: the American public - the people who sent us here - are the number one priority.”