Sen. Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on Biden’s Inflation Crisis

December 15, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation following the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releasing Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) numbers for November, which showed inflation continued to rise over the year. Since Joe Biden became president, both CPI and PPI have risen 17.4%.


Earlier this week, following the latest CPI announcement by the BLS, Senator Scott released the following statement.


Senator Rick Scott said, “For almost three years, Joe Biden’s inflation crisis has forced families into making tough decisions, and it isn’t getting any easier—especially during the holidays. The toll that Biden’s skyrocketing inflation is having on America’s poorest families, like mine growing up, is heartbreaking. As a kid who grew up in public housing, I watched my mom struggle to get us through the holidays and it makes me furious to know that Biden’s horrific inflation is putting millions of Americans through that same hardship. Since Biden took office, Americans have lost $11,400 worth of buying power, the average car payment has reached a record high, the national credit card debt has reached over $1 trillion, the national debt has surpassed $33 trillion, and the interest on our debt is costing taxpayers $981 billion this year. President Biden has put America in a terribly weak fiscal position and it is not just devastating for our country, but for every hardworking American family.

Since being elected to the U.S. Senate, Senator Scott has repeatedly urged action to address America’s debt crisis and the harmful effects of inflation. Click HERE for a comprehensive list of his statements and actions on this urgent issue and HERE for Senator Scott’s Quarterly Economic Snapshot.


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