IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… 60 Plus Association in the Washington Times: Sen. Rick Scott’s Protect Our Seniors Act will keep politicians from stealing from Medicare

March 2, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, 60 Plus Association President Saul Anuzis wrote in the Washington Times to offer his organization’s full endorsement of Senator Rick Scott’s Protect Our Seniors Act and applaud his efforts to preserve and protect Social Security and Medicare. Senator Scott continues working to protect seniors from Washington’s dysfunction and the pain caused by President Joe Biden’s raging inflation crisis, and two years of failed leadership that have endangered critical entitlement programs and pushed Social Security and Medicare closer to insolvency.


In his op-ed, 60 Plus Association President Saul Anuzis, said “There has been a lot of talk in Washington recently about Social Security and Medicare. We think that’s great and certainly better than the status quo of pretending nothing is wrong while these essential programs go bankrupt.


It’s time for Congress to do something positive and protect Social Security and Medicare, rather than gut them.



Thankfully, Sen. Rick Scott of Florida just introduced a bill that will impose accountability on Congress, and we think it should pass right away.



The reality is that Social Security is projected to run out of funds in just 10 years. Medicare is right behind it on the road to insolvency. What most Americans are paying into right now won’t be there for them later, and most of the time, politicians in Washington don’t care.


We agree with Mr. Scott that it’s time for Congress to stop working for itself and start working for the people they say they represent, especially older Americans who have paid into these programs their whole lives. That’s why we fully endorse his new bill, the Protect Our Seniors Act.



[The legislation's] three provisions would address the immediate need for more cash in the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, and make it much harder for Congress to attack these programs in the future. It’s a commonsense and necessary approach to the insolvency issue before us.


Congress needs to know that the American people, especially older people, are watching closely and won’t be fooled by budget gimmicks or accept attempts to steal from our government’s most critical programs. Medicare and Social Security are a promise that Americans pay into their entire lives, and it’s up to Congress to be responsible managers if we want to keep that promise alive.


We urge immediate consideration of Mr. Scott’s Protect Our Seniors Act. These essential programs are in trouble. We must act now.”


Read 60 Plus Association’s full op-ed in the Washington Times HERE.

