Sen. Rick Scott: We Must Protect American Power Infrastructure from Foreign Interference

March 29, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senators Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton and Roger Marshall reintroduced the Protect American Power Infrastructure Act to prohibit bulk-power equipment that is owned by, operated, or associated with a foreign adversary, like Communist China, from providing power to America’s defense-critical electric infrastructure.


In 2020, an executive order was issued to reduce the risks that entities associated with Communist China pose to the nation’s bulk-power system. The Protect American Power Infrastructure Act codifies important components of this executive order which was revoked by President Biden in 2021.


Senator Rick Scott said, “The Biden administration has shown it is willing to use taxpayer dollars to purchase critical energy equipment from foreign adversaries, like Communist China. That's insane and it’s horrible for America’s national security. We can't do business with nations that are actively trying to disrupt our power grids, upend our everyday life and hurt Americans. We must keep our energy infrastructure safe and secure. My Protect American Power Infrastructure Act will ensure that our most critical and sensitive infrastructure is protected from our adversaries. I am thankful for the support of Senators Rubio, Cotton and Marshall and hope the Senate passes this bill quickly.”


Senator Tom Cotton said, “We shouldn’t give China the power to pull the plug on American energy, especially for systems critical to national defense. Our bill will keep U.S. critical electric infrastructure free from foreign influence and control.”


Senator Roger Marshall said, “It would be lights out for American families and businesses if we allow foreign adversaries, particularly China, to supply our equipment for our critical electric infrastructure. Joe Biden’s radical green energy policies play right into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. Energy security is national security, our bill is necessary to protect our energy infrastructure.”


Senator Marco Rubio said, “In recent years, America’s strategic competitors have repeatedly infiltrated and attacked our nation’s critical infrastructure. Attacks on our nation’s energy supply chains demonstrate the urgency with which we must take decisive action to limit vulnerabilities to key infrastructure like our energy grid. This bill is an important step toward removing vulnerabilities in our energy infrastructure that foreign adversaries could exploit to harm our nation.”


The Protect American Power Infrastructure Act would:

  • Prohibit suppliers of power to American defense critical electric infrastructure from using equipment owned, controlled, operated or influenced by, or otherwise connected to, a foreign adversary.
  • Provide the Secretary of Energy the authority to pre-approve energy vendors and equipment which are deemed secure.
  • Require the Secretary of Energy to identify existing bulk-power systems, which pose an undue risk on the security or resiliency of the critical electric infrastructure in the United States, and to improve resiliency of those systems.
  • Create a process within the federal government for sharing information about infrastructure vulnerabilities and management practices to improve procurement of secure energy equipment.

