Sen. Rick Scott Leads Reintroduction of Broadband Buildout Accountability Act to Make Sure Taxpayers Know How Their Money is Spent

April 20, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senators Rick Scott, Ron Johnson, Marsha Blackburn, Mike Lee, Todd Young, Roger Wicker, John Thune, Jerry Moran and Dan Sullivan reintroduced the Broadband Buildout Accountability Act to increase transparency for a $42 billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Package (BIF) broadband buildout grant awarded to the National Technology Information Administration (NTIA). This grant is currently exempted from transparency requirements under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Senator Scott’s Broadband Buildout Accountability Act would remove the FOIA exemption and require a full accounting of how the $42 billion of taxpayer money is spent to ensure these dollars are not subjected to fraud, waste, or misuse.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Americans deserve to know how the government is spending their money—especially on a $42 billion grant that will help get essential internet services to those that need it most. This is not the government’s money, it is the hard-earned dollars of American taxpayers and they should know exactly how every cent is being spent. My Broadband Buildout Accountability Act will increase transparency and help ensure this taxpayer money is spent with maximum accountability and return on investment. Spending taxpayer dollars should be a crystal clear process. I urge my colleagues to support this bill which increases government accountability and transparency to Americans everywhere.”


Senator Ron Johnson said, “The Broadband Buildout Accountability Act will make sure that every hard-earned tax dollar spent on broadband grants is used effectively and transparently, and ensure that approved broadband grants help Wisconsinites that need it the most.”


Senator Marsha Blackburn said, “Access to broadband is crucial for Americans throughout the country, including rural Tennesseans. It is essential that we demand transparency and know how this $42 billion broadband buildout grant is being spent by the National Technology Information Administration. Investment in broadband access is too vital to be wasted by unaccountable federal bureaucrats, and this bill will ensure that federal money is spent correctly.”


Senator Todd Young said, “It is vital that we close the digital divide and deploy broadband to unserved Hoosiers. At the same time, we must ensure proper oversight of federal broadband programs to avoid some of the waste, fraud, and abuse that has occurred in the past. This bill reinstates the Freedom of Information Act rules for NTIA’s new broadband program to help us do just that.”


Senator Roger Wicker said, “Building out broadband is essential, and taxpayers should know that every dollar is being implemented effectively. Increasing the transparency and accountability of this important program should be something all members of Congress can support.”


Senator John Thune said, “Now more than ever, access to high-speed broadband services is critical for communities across South Dakota. This common-sense legislation would help strengthen it by ensuring there is proper oversight of NTIA’s role in administering broadband funding to areas that need it the most.”

Senator Mike Lee said, "As stewards of the taxpayer dollar, Congress must ensure transparency and accountability in NTIA’s distribution of funds for broadband deployment. The Broadband Buildout Accountability Act is a crucial step in preventing fraud, waste, and misuse by requiring public access to all federal agency records, including use of funds. This important mechanism will help ensure the efficient use of funds and expand access to high-speed internet in unserved and underserved communities.”
