Sen. Rick Scott: Biden Must Stand with Courageous Cuban People, End Weak Appeasement Enabling Brutal Regimes

May 9, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement after reports and videos surfaced showing brutal repression and persecution ordered by the Castro and Díaz-Canel regime against peaceful protesters in Cuba, who took to the streets once again to demand freedom and "Patria y Vida." Senator Scott strongly condemns the Biden administration's appeasement of the illegitimate communist Cuban regime and other brutal dictators. He continues to fight every day to hold the illegitimate communist Cuban regime accountable, restore internet access on the island, demand the release of democracy activists and support the cause of freedom and democracy in Cuba and across Latin America.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Once again, the people of Cuba took to the streets calling for freedom, democracy and 'Patria y Vida,' and the illegitimate communist Cuban regime met their cries with brutal oppression, persecution and torture. Even in the face of this disgusting assault on human rights, the Cuban people are not afraid, and brave democracy activists are willing to give everything, even their lives, to reclaim their freedom. It’s time for the United States to recognize their bravery and for Joe Biden to stop his weak appeasement that only enables this brutal regime. The United States must be a leader in the defense of human rights, democracy and freedom in our Hemisphere. I won’t stop fighting and being a voice for the Cuban people until the Castro/Díaz-Canel regime is held accountable, and we see a new day of hope, freedom, and ‘Patria y Vida’ in Cuba.”


Since the July 11 demonstrations began, Senator Rick Scott has released the following statements condemning the Castro/Díaz-Canel regime’s brutal oppression of the Cuban people and demanding the Biden administration take action:
