IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in El Nuevo Herald: Biden's failed leadership in Latin America is a gift to China

June 20, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for El Nuevo Herald calling out President Biden’s policies toward Latin America that are benefiting the Communist Chinese regime. Due to recent events, such as Communist China establishing a spy base in Cuba, and Biden’s continued appeasement of Xi and murderous dictators around the world, no time is more consequential in Latin America’s fight for freedom, democracy and stability in the region.


In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “It’s time for the mainstream media to wake up to President Biden’s complete abandonment of Latin America. The Biden administration’s policies are not just a different path to a similar result; Biden’s lack of leadership in the region undermines both our national security and stability of our partners and allies across Latin America.



These developments have emboldened our enemies and will have long-lasting consequences that require us all, especially those in the press, to pay closer attention. Communist China has been strengthening its foothold, increasing its fiscal stake in Latin America and carrying out their espionage operations in the Western hemisphere with the sole purpose of taking over the region and destroying the United States.



Communist China has also been investing heavily in infrastructure projects, such as roads, ports, and railways, in Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela.



In exchange, Communist China has been securing access to the region's natural resources, such as oil, gas, and minerals.



It’s clear that Communist China is engaging in ‘debt trap diplomacy,’ where it provides loans to countries that are unable to pay them back, and then uses the debt as leverage to gain political influence.



Every time Joe Biden has the opportunity to join the cause of freedom, to stand up and fight against oppression, he decides to look in the opposite direction. What is so concerning is that President Biden seems to prefer enabling the dictators over helping the freedom-loving people of these countries.



The President of the United States is known both here and around the globe as the leader of the free world. Our president, regardless of who it is, has immense power to rally our democratic allies and the freedom-loving people of the world to put pressure on oppressive regimes and throw the full support of the global community behind the cause of freedom.


It’s the wrong message to send to Latin America and our partners and allies around the globe that the President of the United States is willing to look the other way when it comes to human rights, freedom and democracy. We cannot allow our leaders to pretend that what happens in Latin America has no impact on democracy around the world.


There has never been a more consequential moment than this one in our fight for freedom, democracy and stability in Latin America. This isn’t just about ensuring freedom for the people of these countries, it is about protecting America’s national security. Our enemies are working every day to strengthen their foothold in the region and Communist China’s spy base in Cuba is clear proof of this. In the Senate, I will continue working to force action by the Biden administration that makes clear to tyrants in Latin America, Communist China and around the world the strength of America’s resolve to stomp out the spread of socialism and communism.”


Read the full op-ed HERE.

