IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott Celebrates Third Anniversary of Abraham Accords

September 15, 2023

The Abraham Accords are a testimony to the power of American leadership

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, on the third anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords, Senator Rick Scott shared his Fox News op-ed, originally published on July 14, emphasizing the importance of Israel as America’s ally in the Middle East and the significance of the Accords in fostering peace throughout the region and beyond. Earlier this year, Senator Scott visited Israel, Bahrain and the UAE where he met with leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In his op-ed, Senator Scott praises the progress achieved under the Abraham Accords and stresses the need for U.S. policy to be rooted in America’s security interests. Read more about Senator Scott’s visit to Israel HERE.


In July 14 op-ed, Senator Rick Scott writes, “Earlier this month, I was in Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). I met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, government, and business leaders in these nations and members of the U.S. military to see the impacts of the Abraham Accords. The takeaway from all of my meetings was simple: Israel matters, Iran is a menace, and we must stand together to defend Israel and our allies in the face of so much adversity in the Middle East and across the globe.


What’s striking is that while these positive conversations were occurring, we were reminded of the threats Israel faces every day. During my visit, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) had to once again go into the West Bank to clear out a refugee camp that had become a base of ISIS terror killing Israeli civilians. In a disgusting act of terror, these killers captured the remains of two Israeli soldiers, Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin, and kept them hostage. Even in the face of this evil, Israel acted meticulously in response and killed these terrorists so carefully that not one civilian has been reported killed. Unfortunately, these terror attacks against Israeli citizens aren’t the only thing confronting Israel.



Back in Washington, Israel remains under attack of a different kind by the radical left as they routinely spread lies about our great ally.



Anti-Semitism is on the rise across our country, and we as a nation must stand up with one voice for Israel and the Jewish people.



Israel is America’s most important partner in the Middle East.


For decades, the United States has known the power of Israel’s diversity and sought to bring Israel and its Arab neighbors together in a peace that expands this way of life. Under President Donald Trump, we finally achieved that goal. Seeing the Abraham Accords in action on my trip was truly inspiring. These agreements spur economic growth, innovation, sharing of technology, and trade among former rivals and I saw nothing but hope and progress for the future of the relationships. It shows what America can accomplish when we lead on the world stage – something that is missing under President Joe Biden’s weak administration.


That’s why Biden must position the United States as the world leader and continue our work with leaders in the region who have done the wise and noble thing in embracing Israel. Our national security interests depend upon it and we must put our security first. America must demand that those who join us in the Abraham Accords and similar initiatives do not also jeopardize our national security by engaging in dangerous partnerships with our enemies.


It’s time for the United States to make clear to the world, and especially our allies, that we will never put our own security at risk with partnerships that also engage Communist China, Iran or Russia. Our allies need to understand this clearly.



The Abraham Accords increase peace and stability across the Middle East, creating safer and more reliable trade among America’s allies and partners.



The Abraham Accords are a testimony to the power of American strength and leadership and broaden an acceptance that has long existed in Israel beyond its borders and across the Middle East. Expanding the important progress made through these agreements will benefit our partners, allies and freedom-loving people around the globe and continue to deal devastating blows to the terror organizations that wish to see this progress turned back.”


Read the full op-ed in Fox News HERE.

