Sen. Rick Scott & Colleagues to President Biden: Deny Evil Regimes’ Visa Requests for UN General Assembly

September 15, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Senator Rick Scott led two letters with his colleagues to President Biden demanding that his administration deny visas for Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and their staff to attend the United Nations General Assembly in September.


In his letter to President Biden with Senator Marco Rubio regarding Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel, the senators wrote, “We write to you today with a deep sense of urgency and concern regarding an impending visit to the United States by Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel, who is scheduled to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York City this month. Just as we have taken a strong stance against individuals who pose a threat to our national security, which clearly applies to Díaz-Canel, we firmly believe that we must extend this same principle to those who lead oppressive regimes that trample upon the values of freedom and democracy. Regimes like the one Díaz-Canel oversees destroy liberty at home and work to do so anywhere in the world it can. That includes the United States and our allies, all of whom are members of the very body Díaz-Canel desires to visit and spread his hateful propaganda… Miguel Díaz-Canel's record is one that should preclude his entrance into the United States, and we urge you to deny him an entry visa for the United Nations General Assembly meeting this month.”


Read the full letter regarding Cuban dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel HERE


In his letter to President Biden with Senators Tom Cotton, Katie Boyd Britt, Chuck Grassley and Ted Budd regarding Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the senators wrote, “Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi leads the world’s largest state sponsor of terror. There are no excuses for his regime’s active involvement in terrorism and its threats against former US officials and the national security of the United States, Israel, and our allies. He and his delegation should not be permitted to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York City in September. Just days ago, on August 18, 2023, President Raisi visited the home of Asadollah Assadi, the convicted terrorist responsible for attempting to target the large annual rally of the Iranian opposition in Paris. This is just one of the many actions he has taken both recently and in the past which make clear his unapologetic sympathy and support for the world’s most evil and dangerous monsters.”


Read the full letter regarding Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi HERE.

