Sen. Rick Scott Joins Pro-Israel Rally at George Washington University

May 2, 2024

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, as Jewish students across America continue to face threats from the disgusting rise of antisemitism and violence stemming from pro-Hamas encampments on college campuses, Senator Rick Scott visited George Washington University (GW) to take part in their Israel solidarity event and voice his Pro-Israel stance. His visit to GW today follows his meeting on the campus last night with Jewish and pro-Israel students. During his conversation with GW students, Senator Scott heard their concerns for their safety, and discussed his support for Israel, his fight to stop the rise of unlawful university encampments that have led to horrific antisemitic verbal and physical attacks, and his action to secure the safety of Jewish students. Read more HERE.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Jewish students deserve to have a place where they can learn and go about their daily life without fearing for their safety, and they deserve university leadership that fights for their right to do so. As I told the students I met with last night, my daughter attended GW and what I am seeing on that campus today is something I never could have imagined. It saddens me to see what this university and so many others have become because their presidents and leadership have chosen to cowardly appease these pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizers and allow them to take over these campuses. This isn’t free speech – these pro-Hamas protesters are breaking our laws, calling for the death of Jewish people and threatening our students. These criminals must be prosecuted and expelled.


“It makes me furious that D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser denied GW’s request to provide police support to protect Jewish students—and I’ve called for her to come before the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee ASAP to explain that dangerous decision. In the U.S. Senate, I will do everything in my power to support Jewish Americans, and all Jewish students, and make sure Israel can defend itself against the disgusting Iran-backed terrorism that seeks to destroy it.”



Senator Scott has been adamant about protecting students at American colleges and universities who continue to be threatened by terrorist sympathizers calling for the eradication of Jewish people and the destruction of Israel. Senator Scott is fighting to pass his and Senator Tim Scott’s Stop Antisemitism on College Campuses Act. This bill would rescind federal education funding for colleges and universities that peddle antisemitism or authorize, fund or facilitate events that promote violent antisemitism. 


Additionally, Senator Rick Scott joined Senators Bob Casey and Tim Scott to introduce the Antisemitism Awareness Act. The bill will help address antisemitic sentiment and action on college campuses—which has been rising across the nation for years and spiked in the wake of Hamas’ terrorist attack on October 7, 2023—by requiring the U.S. Department of Education to consider the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism when enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws. Read more HERE.


Read more regarding every action and statement Sen. Scott has done in support of Israel following the October 7th Iran-backed Hamas terrorist attack:

