Sen. Rick Scott Joins Reps. Mario Díaz-Balart & Carlos Giménez to Denounce Cuban Regime Operatives Touring TSA Facilities at Miami International Airport

May 24, 2024

MIAMI – Today, Senator Rick Scott joined Representative Mario Díaz-Balart (FL-26) and Representative Carlos A. Giménez (FL-28) to host a press conference denouncing the Biden administration's decision to allow Cuban regime operatives to tour the TSA facilities at Miami International Airport earlier this week. The Cuban regime is designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism and should not be invited to view U.S. security areas, nor receive special treatment at any U.S. airport. Protecting national security and the American people is the elected officials’ first priority, and they are demanding answers as to who and why the visit was authorized immediately.


Senator Rick Scott said, “What the Biden administration has allowed to happen here is absolutely insane. The illegitimate, communist Cuban regime is a designated State Sponsor of Terror and President Biden just opened our doors to them with a personal tour of U.S. security protocols at Miami International Airport. Everything this administration does puts America at risk. My colleagues and I are calling on Secretary Mayorkas, the TSA Administrator and any Biden administration official involved in this reckless decision to answer for it and be held accountable. Joe Biden’s appeasement of the Cuban regime is already putting Americans in danger; we cannot allow these terrorists back on American soil.”



Earlier this month, Senator Rick Scott released a statement in response to President Joe Biden’s decision to remove the illegitimate, communist Cuban regime from the U.S. list of nations that are not cooperative with counterterrorism efforts. This move by the Biden administration is a first step in reversing Cuba’s designation as a State Sponsor of Terrorism, which was made under the Trump administration in January 2021. Earlier this Congress, Senator Scott introduced the Fighting Oppression until the Reign of Castro Ends (FORCE) Act to prevent President Biden from normalizing relations with the illegitimate, communist Cuban regime unless freedom and democracy are restored on the island. Senator Scott is also fighting to pass his Denying Earnings to the Military Oligarchy in Cuba and Restricting Activities of the Cuban Intelligence Apparatus (DEMOCRACIA) Act to authorize the president to use all means necessary to ensure internet access on the island and hold the illegitimate communist Cuban regime accountable through severe sanctions and unprecedented financial pressure. Read more HERE.

