Sen. Rick Scott Hosts Families & Advocates on Capitol Hill Marking June 6th Naloxone Awareness Day

June 6, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott hosted families and advocates on Capitol Hill to mark June 6th as Naloxone Awareness Day and share remarks highlighting the life-saving drug, Naloxone, bringing attention to the lethal opioid epidemic that continues to plague American families. Yesterday, Senator Scott was proud to announce the unanimous passage of his and Senator Ed Markey’s bipartisan resolution recognizing June 6th as Naloxone Awareness Day. The resolution promotes awareness of the life-saving drug, Naloxone, which reverses opioid overdoses and prevents unnecessary deaths. It also aims to educate members of the public about the importance of recognizing the signs of overdose, and equipping themselves with the life-saving antidote. This resolution has been endorsed by Victoria’s Voice, a Florida-based foundation that aims to bring Naloxone awareness to the national stage. Yesterday, following the passage of the resolution, Senator Scott released the following statement.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Too many mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends have been lost to opioid poisoning in America. Naloxone saves lives and it is a critical tool in our fight to stop the loss caused by opioids in communities across our nation. I am proud to again lead and secure the Senate passage of this resolution with Senator Markey to designate June 6th as Naloxone Awareness Day, helping raise awareness and educate Americans about this life-saving drug. I also want to highlight the Victoria’s Voice Foundation and the Siegel Family for the lifesaving work they do on advocacy and education about the dangers of opioids. This organization was started following a parent’s worst nightmare – the loss of a child – and they have made it their mission to ensure folks are educated and prepared to save lives.”


Jackie and David Siegel, co-founders of Victoria’s Voice Foundation, said, “We continue to be grateful to Senator Scott, Senator Markey, and their colleagues for passing a bipartisan resolution designating June 6 as National Naloxone Awareness Day. This helps ensure awareness of and access to the lifesaving opioid overdose medicine that will save numerous lives. We believe that our daughter, Victoria, would still be alive today if the first responders who arrived on the day she accidentally overdosed had been equipped with naloxone.”



Senator Scott continues to be a leading voice in the fight to bring needed attention to the negative impacts of the rise of fentanyl poisoning in the United States. Senator Scott has sponsored the following bills and taken the following actions against the fentanyl crisis. Read about each HERE.


  • Stopping Online Confusion for Investigative Agencies and Law-Enforcement by Maintaining Evidence Determined Interparty Arrangements (SOCIAL MEDIA) Act
  • Continuing High-Quality Evaluations of Concerning and Known Persons of Interest Through National Training Updates (CHECKPOINT) Act
  • Upholding the Law at the Border Act
  • Extending Limits of U.S. Customs Waters Act
  • Caribbean Border Counternarcotics Strategy Act
  • Opioid Response Action Data and Reforms (RADAR) Act
  • Overcoming Prevalent Inadequacies in Overdose Information Data (OPIOIDS) Act
  • Senator Scott joined his colleagues in introducing a resolution designating May 7, 2024, as National Fentanyl Awareness Day

