Sen. Rick Scott Calls Out Biden-Harris Abandonment of Israel Ahead of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Address to Congress

July 24, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Senator Rick Scott joined Senator Joni Ernst and their colleagues in a press conference ahead of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address. During the press conference, the lawmakers called out the Biden-Harris administration and Senate Democrats for failing to stand with our ally Israel while Americans are still being held hostage by Iran-backed Hamas terrorists in Gaza.


Senator Rick Scott said, “I’m proud to welcome Prime Minister Netanyahu to Washington. I was in Israel earlier this year to meet with him and discuss what support he needs from the U.S. to defeat the Iran-backed Hamas terrorists and our commitment to get the 100+ hostages, including Americans, home NOW. These hostages have been held for nearly 300 days while their loved ones wait at home. It’s despicable that Democrats don’t seem to care that Americans are held hostage right now and refusing to attend this important speech. You would think that after the horrific campus protests we saw earlier this year and the shocking rise in antisemitism that is happening around the country, this would be a time to stand united with the Jewish people and America’s great ally, Israel. But Democrats have turned their backs on Israel because they are terrified of angering their antisemitic base that aligns more with Hamas than with the United States. This isn’t new, Biden and Harris have been disrespecting Prime Minister Netanyahu since their first days in office. For months, Biden and Harris refused to meet with or talk to Prime Minister Netanyahu. Now, Vice President Harris is doubling down on that disrespect by refusing to attend this speech and preside over it as Senate President. It is disgusting. Israel is the United States’ greatest democratic ally in the Middle East. We cannot abandon them as they defend themselves against terrorism, and we need a president who will stand strong with our ally – like we had with President Trump, who was the most pro-Israel president we ever had.”


Read more regarding every action and statement Sen. Scott has done in support of Israel following the October 7th Iran-backed Hamas terrorist attack:

