Sen. Rick Scott Shares Remarks at National Conservatism Conference Panel on Weaponization of Government & The Broken Senate

July 9, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott participated in a panel at the National Conservatism Conference with Senators Ron Johnson and Mike Lee on the topic of “Weaponization of Government and the Broken Senate,” which was moderated by the Chairman of the Conservative Partnership Institute, former Senator Jim DeMint. Following the panel, which focused on Senator Scott’s work to advance conservative policies in the Senate, the shameful weaponization of government by Democrats, wasteful spending and the skyrocketing inflation crisis, Senator Scott released the following statement.  


Senator Rick Scott said, “The federal government is being weaponized like never before, and because we have a broken Senate, there is little being done by Republican leaders right now to stop it. Change is not popular in Washington, but it’s exactly what we need and why I am running for Republican Leader to create a dramatic sea change in Washington and make it work for hardworking Americans first. Our country is at a crossroads—inflation is rampant, spending is out of control, and folks are feeling the impacts of the reckless government policies because they are the ones getting stuck with the tab. I grew up in public housing. I remember watching my mom work multiple jobs to make ends meet. She worked herself to exhaustion just to make sure we could eat something, and some nights we still went to bed hungry because there just wasn’t enough to make it work. The way things are currently failing in Washington is hurting folks like my family growing up the most because every time reckless spending pushes inflation higher, they are getting kicked in the teeth with rising prices and less opportunity. It is unacceptable. It is time to make Washington work for you, get this country back on track, and finally put an end to the complete failure the Biden administration has brought upon this country.”

