Sen. Rick Scott Urges Biden & Harris to Recognize Edmundo González as Venezuelan President-Elect, Lead the World in Condemning Maduro’s Election Corruption & Reimpose Sanctions

July 29, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris urging their administration to express unwavering support for Venezuelans in the fight for freedom in the aftermath of dictator Nicolás Maduro’s corrupt attempt to maintain power following Sunday’s election. Senator Scott has repeatedly slammed Biden-Harris sanctions relief that has benefitted the Maduro regime in exchange for a false promise for free and fair elections. Since the agreement was not met, Senator Scott is demanding the Biden-Harris administration own up to its mistakes and immediately reimpose sanctions on Maduro and his thugs.


Read the full letter HERE or below.


Dear President Biden and Vice President Harris:


Today is a dark day for democracy in Latin America. Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro has stolen another election from the Venezuelan people, again rejecting their calls for freedom and democracy. We know that Edmundo González won this election and if the United States is going to lead the world in supporting democracy in Venezuela, he must be immediately recognized as president-elect by your administration. I urge you both to call him and María Corina Machado today to express your support for their cause and the fight for freedom they represent. I also urge you to make clear that they must not be unjustly targeted or imprisoned by the Maduro regime in the aftermath of Maduro’s corrupt attempt to maintain power.


For too long, Nicolás Maduro and his thugs have deprived the Venezuelan people of the choice for new leadership by attacking his political opponents, using violence and threats in a desperate attempt to hold onto power over a people that hate him. I believe your administration helped strengthen his power when you foolishly provided him the exact thing he needed, sanctions relief in exchange for a promise of a fair election—something we all knew he would never deliver. It is time to acknowledge that your deal with a dictator was a disaster and immediately reimpose sanctions on Maduro and his thugs.


The United States must show strength and unquestionable resolve for democracy in Venezuela in the face of yet another assault on its peoples’ freedom. I urge you to take action today to demonstrate that and set an example for the freedom-loving nations of the world.




Since the Biden-Harris administration's failed deal with Maduro was first announced, Senator Scott has put pressure on the White House to stand up for freedom and democracy in Venezuela. See the Senator’s actions below:

