Sens. Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz Introduce Resolution Highlighting Fight for Democracy in Cuba on Third Anniversary of ‘Patria y Vida’ Protests

July 11, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, on the third anniversary of the Cuban protests for freedom, ‘Patria y Vida,’ Senators Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz introduced a resolution to call out the illegitimate communist Castro/Díaz-Canel regime for their brutal oppression, persecution and torture of Cubans. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart is leading the resolution in the House of Representatives with House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul and Representatives Carlos Gimenez, Kat Cammack, María Elvira Salazar, Mike Waltz, Alex Mooney, Jenniffer González-Colón and Nicole Malliotakis. Read the full resolution HERE.


Senator Rick Scott said, “Three years ago, the Communist Cuban regime was weakened as the people stood up to denounce the oppressive communist rule that has brought ruin to their nation for more than 60 years. Terrified by these demonstrations, the Castro/Diaz-Canel regime lashed out against these brave democracy activists and unjustly jailed thousands, including hundreds of children and peaceful, pro-democracy figures. We cannot forget those who remain incarcerated, like Jose Daniel Ferrer, Felix Navarro and his daughter Sayli Navarro, Carlos Michael and many others. Some, like Jose Daniel Ferrer, are at serious risk of death due to the regime’s torture and inhumane conditions. We will not cower to the oppression of the illegitimate communist Cuban regime. We know that a new day of freedom and democracy is closer than ever before in Cuba, and I stand proudly with the heroic democracy activists across the island who have taken to the streets determined to regain their freedom and put an end to the Castro/Diaz-Canel dictatorship.


“Unfortunately, the Biden administration continues to fail the Cuban people and put the security of the United States at risk with weak appeasement of the regime. Just this year, we have seen Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, dock in Cuba while a Chinese spy base continues to grow on the island just 90 miles from Florida’s shores and threaten the security of Americans. All while President Biden wants to remove Cuba from the state sponsor of terrorism list. For decades, Cuba has been the root of instability in Latin America and represented a terrible threat to the national security of the United States. I urge the Biden administration to stand with the Cuban people, impose further sanctions on the tyrannical Cuban regime and help usher in a new day of freedom and stability in Latin America.”


Senator Marco Rubio said, “The July 11, 2021 protests are a testament to the Cuban people’s tenacity and their unwavering desire for freedom from tyranny. Today and everyday, we pay tribute to the courageous individuals who fight for a Cuba where democracy and justice reign.”


Senator Ted Cruz said, “As the proud son of a courageous Cuban dissident, I have heard firsthand from my father and my Tia Sonia of the atrocious treatment dissidents have long endured at the hands of Cuban dictators. I commend the brave Cubans fighting back against the oppressive Cuban regime to gain basic human rights and political freedoms. I am proud to join Senators Scott and Rubio to recognize the admirable commitment to liberty these protestors displayed just three years ago. ¡Viva Cuba Libre!"


Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart said, "Today, we mark three years since the Cuban people risked everything for freedom by taking to the streets from every corner and in every province. According to reports, hundreds remain unjustly imprisoned, including some who were children at the time of their arrest.


“Shamefully, the Biden Administration has chosen to toss a lifeline to the repressive, anti-American Cuban dictatorship by unilaterally relaxing sanctions and allowing new access to U.S. financial markets, putting our national security interests at risk. Meanwhile, the regime continues its malign activities with egregious human rights abuses, interfering in our democracy, and allowing adversaries like Communist China to establish a spy base on the island, and inviting Russia to perform naval exercises just 90 miles from our shores. The Biden Administration must stop appeasing our adversaries and impose tough sanctions on the Cuban regime.


“The United States must continue to stand in solidarity with the Cuban people and deny resources to their oppressors. The Cuban people will be free, and they will remember those who stood with them.”


House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said, “Three years after tens of thousands of Cubans took to the streets nationwide to peacefully protest the communist Díaz-Canel regime, hundreds remain in prison. This regime meets nonviolent calls for democracy with unspeakable brutality. I will never stop supporting the brave Cubans fighting for freedom against it.”


Congressman Carlos A. Giménez said, the only Cuban-born Member of the 118th Congress, said, “On July 11, 2021, thousands took to the streets in Cuba demanding the end of the brutal Communist regime that oppresses them. Freedom fighters and patriots, like Jose Daniel Ferrer, have been imprisoned ever since for speaking out against the Castro Regime. The United States has the moral responsibility to call out the continued human rights violations. I urge the Biden Administration to reconsider its reckless policy of appeasement towards the military dictatorship in Havana and demand the immediate liberation of all the political prisoners in Cuba.”


Congresswoman Kat Cammack said, “I am proud to stand with my colleagues in recognizing the July 11th protests in Cuba, a pivotal moment in the Cuban people’s fight for freedom. Joining this resolution is a powerful way to honor the courage and resilience of those who’ve stood up against oppression, calling attention to the human rights violations perpetrated by the communist regime.”


Since the July 11 demonstrations began, Senator Scott has continued to condemn the Castro/Díaz-Canel regime’s brutal oppression of the Cuban people and demand action from the Biden administration and international leaders to support the Cuban people. See a list of Senator Scott’s actions and statements HERE.

