Sen. Rick Scott Urges Prime Minister Trudeau to Join Call to Move 2022 Olympics Out of Communist China

March 30, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urging him to join efforts in his country and around the world to move the 2022 Olympic Games out of Communist China and to a nation that respects human rights. Senator Scott has made similar requests of British Prime Minister March 30, 2021

The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister of Canada

Office of the Prime Minister

80 Wellington Street

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minster Trudeau:

Earlier this month, I was pleased to see Canada join the U.S. in placing sanctions on Communist leaders in Xinjiang because of their horrific human rights abuses. In February, Canada’s House of Commons voted to declare the atrocities in Xinjiang as a “genocide” and to call on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to move the 2022 Olympic Games out of Beijing. This was an excellent decision, and I am glad that it passed the House of Commons unanimously. Thank you for your government’s efforts to expose the horrific human rights abuses in Communist China, and for working to hold them accountable. In the midst of these human rights atrocities, we must all stand up to dictators like General Secretary Xi and work to promote freedom around the world. I look forward to further cooperation between our governments on this issue, particularly considering that both of our countries have condemned this genocide.

I was disappointed that during the House of Commons’ February vote, you and your Cabinet chose to abstain from voting. Freedom-loving nations must show Communist China that we are resolved in confronting their abuses. Governments and international organizations have the ability and responsibility to address human rights concerns and calling on the IOC to move the 2022 Olympics Games out of Beijing is the right course of action. To be clear, I do not support a boycott. Boycotting these games will only hurt athletes who have spent their lives training to represent their country on the international stage. Instead, it should be the position of all democratic nations that the IOC can and should move the 2022 Games to a nation that respects human rights.

I have introduced legislation in the United States Senate calling on the IOC to move the 2022 Games out of Beijing unless Communist China demonstrates significant progress in securing and protecting fundamental human rights. Today, I am asking that you join me, your House of Commons and a number of global human rights organizations in this effort by urging the IOC to take immediate action.

The Olympic Games gives the world’s best athletes a chance to represent their countries and unite our nations. However, this cannot be achieved if we ignore the grotesque abuses of Communist China and allow the games to be hosted in Beijing, putting the safety of all athletes and attendees at risk.

I recently requested a meeting with President Biden to discuss this incredibly important issue and would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the 2022 Olympic Games as well. Working together, we can seize this opportunity to highlight our shared belief in freedom and democracy, while preserving the marvel that is and must always be so perfectly captured by the unity created by the Olympic Games.


Rick Scott

United States Senator
